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35 Photos That Prove Country Girls Are The Prettiest, Smartest, and Toughest Girls In The World

The Stereotypical Country Girl

There is nothing new about country girls’ preferred outfits. A one-piece, a bikini, and some shorts are often preferred. There are, of course, exceptions to the norm. Based on what we can see, the girl in the photo’s preference seems to be jewelry. Or perhaps she wanted to add a new spin to the classic bikini.

According to Vice, this image was captured at the Redneck Fishin’ Tournament. Competitors traveled the globe to the tiny town of Bath, Illinois, for the event. The event has been going on for over 13 years and includes drinking and karaoke. In 2018, Paige Price hosted a pop-up booth near the river where visitors were welcomed to get henna tattoos and card readings.

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