After-Dark Encounters: The 40+ Trail Cam Pics That Reveal the Woods’ Secrets
The Crepuscular Conundrum: Why Deer Rarely Hikes on Daytime
Why is it rare to come across any deer on a daytime hike? It’s not because they’re hiding; they’re crepuscular animals, meaning they’re most active during the twilight hours of the day. However, even with their keen senses, they can still get caught off guard. A good example is this unsuspecting white-tailed fawn.
As it went about its usual nightly business, a flying squirrel appeared seemingly ready to pounce, typical of this nocturnal species. What a bold move with its long, gliding leaps! Maybe the squirrel was hoping to spook the deer and claim those fresh-looking apples at its feet all for itself.
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