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Here Are The Secrets To Celebs’ Dramatic Weight Loss And How You Can Do It Too

Losing weight can be a pain for anyone who embarks on the journey. And when it involves a complete lifestyle change, things can get complicated because it’s like throwing you out of your comfort zone and routine, which is why it’s hard to stay consistent.

These celebrities have gone through some similar experiences with weight loss, but they’ve also found a trick to making it work. Granted, genes are not the same, and some things may have to change in your meal plan and exercise routine, but you can get it done in a much simpler way.

Rachael Ray – 40 Lbs

Rachael Ray doesn’t mind talking about her weight loss struggles. She doesn’t even mind telling everyone that the food she makes could pile on the pounds. She has always carried a bit of extra weight, but it never bothered her since she loved her food so much.

What changed her wasn’t even a health scare or discomfort, but the fact that she couldn’t talk after throat surgery. She took her frustration out on her body and started hitting the gym. She mixed up her strength and cardio workouts, while also starting to follow a Mediterranean diet. Ray has been hosting her show, “Rachael Ray Show,” since 2006.

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