Wedding or Fundraiser? Bride’s $75 Dinner Charge Sparks Heated Debate
The Pay-Your-Way Wedding That Could Have Been
As the conversation continued, Reddit user u/mistycskittles spilled the beans about her sister’s almost-wedding plan. Like our $75 dinner bride, she considered charging guests $75 to attend the reception. The sum was meant to cover the cost of the venue without the option of bringing gifts. However, she had a change of heart and scrapped the plan.
This raises an interesting question—is this ‘pay-your-way’ wedding the new normal? It’s a trade-off, really. Guests don’t have to stress over picking the perfect toaster or blender. So, in a way, this could be a budget-friendly swap.
NEXT: Modern weddings are rewriting the rules, one RSVP at a time!
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